McDonald's Day for Alzheimer's a Success

McDonald’s Fundraiser for Local Alzheimer Society
on World Alzheimer’s Day a huge success!
Belleville – October 5, 2023 – The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward had their cup filled with support during the McDonald’s coffee day for Alzheimer’s fundraiser on September 21st, thanks to the generosity of local McDonald’s owners and patrons.
All day long on the 21st, 50 cents from each M, L and XL hot McCafe beverage sold at the McDonald’s in Belleville, Quinte West, Picton and Madoc was donated to the local Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward. In addition, staff, volunteers, and community supporters were once again on-site in the drive-thru collecting cash and tap donations.
The Society is excited to announce that over $9225 was raised through this campaign this year. All funds raised and donated stays in our community and help ASHPE support those affected by dementia in our community. This campaign would not be possible without the support of local McDonald’s franchise owners Ken and Cynthya Schmidt (Quinte West) and Todd Shea (Belleville, Madoc and Picton).
“Cynthya, Todd, and I are extremely proud to support the Alzheimer Society and the work that they do in our community. Congratulations on a great day of fund raising with McDonald’s!” said Quinte West McDonald’s owner Ken Schmidt.
With less than 40% of ASHPE’s budget is provided by the Ministry of Health, the Society relies on the support of donors and fundraising to continue providing free programs and services in our community. To learn more about your local Alzheimer Society please visit
The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward provides free navigation, education and support to individuals and families affected by all forms of memory loss, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The Alzheimer Society of Hastings-Prince Edward has offices in Belleville, Picton and Bancroft and serves thousands of clients annually. For more information, please contact us at 613-962-0892 or visit
Over $9225 was raised for our local Alzheimer Society on World Alzheimer Day 2023