The Affects of Dementia on the Person


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Alzheimer Society Sarnia - Lambton

Loss of memory

Examples: Short term memory affected first.

The person lives in the present but only has access to information from the past so they must use their past memory to try to make sense of their current situations, repeated questions.


Loss of language

Examples: May revert back to first language, difficulty finding words, not understanding directions, unable to express what is wrong.


Loss of recognition

Examples: Not understanding where they are and becoming lost, not recognizing family members (may expect family members to look younger), may not recognize their image in the mirror and mistake it for another person, may not recognize what some items are used for, may mistake sounds (cat meowing could be baby crying).


Loss of purposeful movement

Examples: Not being able to follow the sequence of familiar activities (difficulty making a meal), difficulty reading, refusing to do tasks with multiple steps, may refuse doing activities due to confusion. 


Little to no knowledge of their illness/disease

Examples: Refuses help and does not feel it is needed, is resentful of others involvement in their activities, unaware of risks they may be taking (driving).


Loss of perceptual acuity

Examples: May experience hallucinations or misinterpret what they see, loss of depth perception which can result in a shuffled walk, no longer focusing their vision in all directions instead looking down or straight ahead. 


Loss of initiation

Examples: Might need help initiating activities, needs to be engaged, may say no to activities that they have always enjoyed and would enjoy if initiated, may appear to want to sit for hours but needs to be engaged.