Tips for Advocating for the Person Living with Dementia

- Keep communication open with family. Hold meetings and consider using a mediator, like the Alzheimer Society. Share updates with everyone, even if they might not act on the information. A mass email ensures no one feels excluded from caregiving responsibilities.
- Set clear boundaries. Living closest doesn’t mean doing all the care. Explain your limits, like needing help during vacations, and involve others.
- Assign tasks to those unsure how to help. Suggest specific roles, like covering costs for a day program. Clearly state your needs rather than waiting for offers.
- Stay open-minded about different approaches. Your way may not be the only way.
- Be willing to adjust promises for the person’s best care. If caring at home becomes too much, changing your mind is advocating for their needs and ensuring they receive appropriate support.
For more information and learn about the Charter or Rights for People with Dementia visit here.