
Your donation today will help us bring services and support to people with dementia and their caregivers across Dufferin County. Help us provide Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow...®

One million Canadians will be diagnosed in the next decade. They need your help.

Questions or comments?

Email us at, or call 519-941-1221

Donate online

Make a donation using our secure online form.

Making a donation is simple, by clicking on the above button you will be directed straight to our registered page whereby following the easy instructions you can identify any special requests associated with your gift (memorial designations, specific project requests, frequency of gift, Gift Card, etc.) and begins the checkout (or payment) process. Once the donation has been paid for, you will receive an immediate, secure PDF tax receipt by email.

Donate by mail or deliver in person

Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County

Address: 25 Centennial Rd., Unit 1, Orangeville, ON L9W 1R1

  • One-time donation
  • In memoriam donation
  • In honour donation
  • Monthly donation

*Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.

Leave a Legacy

Through our Gift Planning Program, you can plan your charitable gift to provide the greatest benefit to you, your family, and the Alzheimer Society. For more information contact us:

Become a member

More information about membership

Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum Points Donation Program

Do you collect Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum Card Points?

Did you know that you can donate your points (or part of them) to the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County?

Simply visit and click on the "Donate Points" option. Our chapter can then use these points for fundraising purposes to support our programs and services. If you do not have a card, ask for one next time you are in Shoppers Drug Mart - it is free!

Tax receipts

We issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $10 or more. Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.