Video resources
On this page, you can watch all of our webinars held by the Alzheimer Society of Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland & Haliburton.

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Activities To Do At Home: Tips & Strategies for Persons Living with Dementia and Their Caregivers
June 2, 2020. This presentation explores the importance of activity, what makes activity meaningful and beneficial, ways to adapt activities to meet the changing needs of the person living with dementia, and some helpful tips and strategies for caregivers on how to modify and provide assistance with activities at home.
Advance Care Planning
June 9, 2020. This presentation offers information about the process of Advance Care Planning, what consent and capacity means, and the role of the Substitute Decision Maker.
An overview of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
August 11, 2020. This presentation is all about understanding dementia. It aims to increase our understanding of the various types of dementia that exist, including both reversible and irreversible types, as well as the symptoms of dementia. It will also explore how Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, impacts the brain and how it is likely to progress.
Be Good To Your Brain: Tips for Challenging the Brain & Eating Well for Brain Health
June 16, 2020. This presentation discusses the steps that we can take to be good to our brains as we age, the ways that we can reduce risk factors for developing dementia, the importance of challenging our brains and how to eat well for brain health.
Building Dementia Friendly Communities
February 9, 2022. A Dementia Friendly Community is a place where people living with dementia are understood, respected, and supported. It's an environment where everyone feels confident in their ability to contribute to community life, is included in conversations, and has choice and control over their day-to-day lives. People with dementia and their care partners have the right to live well in the community, together. As more people are diagnosed with dementia every year and choose to live at home, we need to determine how we can better support people living with dementia. We hope you will join us to learn how, together, we can create a Dementia Friendly Community, and to show your support for people living with dementia and their care partners.
Clinical Trials: You Can Make a Difference!
November 14, 2023. Do you take any medications? Every medication that we take has gone through rigorous clinical trials. Without people volunteering to be part of these trials we would never find a cure for any disease. During this presentation you will learn about local opportunities to participate in international clinical trials for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mild and Moderate Alzheimer's Disease and even for people whom have not yet developed symptoms. You will also get to hear from a research participant and his experience participating in a clinical trial.
We are pleased to welcome Jill MacPhee, Director of Clinical Operations at the Kawartha Centre: Redefining Healthy Aging, as the guest speaker for this presentation.
Cold Weather Safety Tips
November 30, 2020. Winter can be a particularly difficult time of year for people living with dementia, and also for their care partners who are determined to keep them safe and well. This presentation is all about exploring some cold weather safety tips that will help keep you safe and warm this winter season!
COVID-19 and Grief
May 26, 2020. This presentation discusses grief and the impact of grief during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dementia and Driving
May 9, 2023. Over time, dementia may cause changes that affect a person’s ability to safely drive a motor vehicle. However, a dementia diagnosis does not automatically mean that a person is incapable of driving. Some people may be capable of driving safely for some time after the diagnosis, depending on the timing of the diagnosis and how quickly dementia progresses. In this session we will explore ways to continue driving safely, some of the warning signs that it may be time to stop driving, and tips for transitioning to life without driving.
Dementia, Intimacy and Sexuality
February 15, 2022. All of us, including people with dementia, have needs and wishes for friendship, belonging, companionship, intimacy, and the expression of our sexuality. In this presentation we will start the conversation about how changes brought on by dementia can affect intimate needs and relationships.
10 Easy Ways to Fight Stigma Against Dementia
January 17, 2023. Positive change starts with learning. When you know the facts behind dementia, you will be able to challenge assumptions and false beliefs when they appear. By sharing your knowledge, you can reduce the negative impact of stigma against people living with dementia, their families and caregivers. In honour of Alzheimer's Awareness Month, we’ll take a look at the harmful stigma associated with dementia and explore the ways that we can use our voices to raise awareness and bring about change.
Enhancing Communication
March 7, 2023. This education session will help care partners, family and friends supporting persons with dementia to identify and understand changes in communication that often result from brain changes. Participants will learn tips and strategies for making communication more successful.
Finding Your Way: Living Safely in the Community
January 18, 2022. 60 percent of people with dementia-related memory problems become lost at some point. Finding Your Way® is a program that helps people living with dementia, their families, caregivers, and communities to recognize the risk of going missing, to be prepared for incidents of going missing, and ensure that people with dementia can live safely in the community.
Heads Up for Healthier Brains
May 24, 2022. This presentation discusses the importance of making brain-healthy choices, steps that we can take to be good to our brains as we age, and the ways that we can reduce risk factors for developing dementia.
How Well Do You Know the Alzheimer Society?
January 11, 2022. This presentation is all about raising awareness about the important programs and services that we offer at the Alzheimer Society. For understanding, care, and access to our well-developed network of dementia-care services, the Alzheimer Society is your First Link®.
The Impact of Stress on Cognition & Mood
July 21, 2020. This session will explain what happens in the brain when we experience stress and the impact stress has on our thoughts and emotions. We will explore how our response to stress can lead to unhealthy patterns and learn about how to use strategies, like breathing, to shift our awareness to create healthier response patterns.
Importance of Self-Compassion for Caregivers
August 26, 2020. This presentation will explain what self-compassion is and the impact it has on our physical, emotional and cognitive health. We will also discuss how important it is for caregivers to embrace self-compassion and how self-compassion can empower caregivers as they continue with their essential role in supporting the person living with dementia.
Learning the Ropes - for Living with MCI
June 30, 2020. This session provides information about the Learning the Ropes - for Living with MCI program.
New Research in Dementia 2023
June 6, 2023. Research is vital to finding better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat dementia and improve the quality of life of those affected by it. In this presentation, we highlight the lead researchers and research projects that were funded by the Alzheimer Society Research Program in 2022. The presentation also explores the 10 priorities for dementia research in Canada.
New Research in Dementia 2021
September 28, 2021. Research is vital to finding better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat dementia and improve the quality of life of those affected by it. It can be challenging to stay up-to-date with the latest information on dementia from research centres around the world. In this education session, we will highlight and explain some of the most important new research findings on dementia.
Meaningful Activities
September 19, 2024. This presentation helps care partners of a person living with dementia in mid-to-late stages to develop and participate in meaningful activities. The goal is to provide practical ideas on how participants can spend quality time together by identifying and drawing upon the person’s remaining strengths.
Myths & Realities of Dementia
January 24, 2024. Positive change starts with learning. When you know the facts behind dementia, you will be able to challenge assumptions and false beliefs when they appear. By sharing your knowledge, you can reduce the negative impact of stigma against people living with dementia, their families and caregivers. In honour of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, we’ll take a look at the harmful stigma associated with dementia and explore the ways that we can use our voices to raise awareness and bring about change.
Overview of Dementia
March 1, 2022. This presentation is all about understanding dementia. It aims to increase our understanding of the various types of dementia that exist, including both reversible and irreversible types, as well as the symptoms of dementia. It will also explore how Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, impacts the brain and how it is likely to progress.
Positive Visits
February 14, 2023. Visiting a person living with dementia can sometimes feel daunting, especially when we may be uncertain about how their changing abilities or communication difficulties may impact on the success and overall enjoyment of the visit. This presentation introduces a “person-centred” approach to visits, including specific tips and considerations to help ensure a positive interaction.
Preparing for the Holidays
November 22, 2022. For people living with dementia, and their caregivers, the holiday season can sometimes be a stressful and overwhelming time. With some modifications to our regular traditions, we can make the holidays more enjoyable for everyone. This presentation explores some helpful holiday tips that can make this season as stress-free as possible!
Recognizing & Reducing Caregiver Stress
February 1, 2022. Caring for and supporting someone living with dementia can be both rewarding and challenging. This education session helps care partners to recognize the signs of stress and offers helpful tips and strategies for reducing stress.
The Problem with Stigma: What the Alzheimer Society is Doing About It
January 16, 2024. Did you know that you can help stop stigma against those living with dementia just through the words that you use? Our new campaign, Be the Missing Piece, was created in response to the negative statements we at the Alzheimer Society hear every single day to and about people living with dementia. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about the issue and stamp out the stigma surrounding dementia by drawing attention to the language people use without thinking. We may also view dementia differently, and feel more empowered to fight stigma, if we had the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a person living with dementia. Our new workshop, Enabling EDIE, uses virtual reality to give participants this immersive experience and see dementia in a new light. Join us as we feature these new stigma-fighting initiatives.
Safety in the Home
June 23, 2020. This presentation discusses important factors to consider when thinking about how to increase safety in the home and in the community for persons living with dementia. Living arrangements, physical space, physical health, driving and travel are all areas important to consider in an effort to keep the person living with dementia safe and supported.
The Alzheimer Society: How We Can Help
September 4, 2024. Have you ever wondered what exactly the Alzheimer Society offers in terms of programs, services, and resources? In this presentation we will provide an overview of all the different ways you can connect with us! Whether you are looking for support, education, or opportunities for recreation, the Alzheimer Society team is here to help!
Tips & Strategies for Living Well with Dementia
July 28, 2020. This session will explore various memory aids and strategies that can be helpful tools for living well, day to day, with dementia.
Types of Dementia
September 12, 2023. Did you know that there are many different causes of dementia, including both reversible and irreversible types? In this education session, we will explore some of the most common types of dementia, their warning signs and symptoms.
Understanding & Addressing Late Day Restlessness, Repetition & Agitation
November 7, 2023. This presentation provides insights into understanding Late Day Restlessness, Repetition and Agitation in persons living with dementia and offers some helpful tips and strategies for addressing and coping with these responsive behaviours.
Understanding Ambiguous Loss and Grief in Dementia
February 8, 2021. This presentation explores Ambiguous Loss and grief and what it means when we are supporting a person that is living with dementia. In this session, we will also explore some steps that you can take to live positively with loss and grief in your caregiving journey.
Understanding Behaviour Changes
March 28, 2023. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia can impact the brain in many ways. As a result of brain changes, people living with dementia may experience physical, emotional, mental, and cognitive changes. They may also experience behavioural changes. The symptoms of dementia can affect how a person will think and act. In this education session, we will explore the most common behaviour changes that can occur in dementia, and some tips and strategies for understanding and addressing them.
Understanding Brain Changes
October 23, 2024. Understanding brain changes is an important part of supporting a person living with dementia. Many of the changes we see, in person, are a result of the changes that we can't see happening in the brain. In this session, we will take a closer look at the different parts of the brain, what they do and how they are impacted by dementia. We will also discuss how these brain changes contribute to what we see, day to day, while supporting a person living with dementia, as well as some tips and strategies for coping with the changes.
Understanding Denial & Lack of Insight in Dementia
May 16, 2023. It is common for someone living with dementia to deny that they are experiencing issues with their memory or other aspects of cognition. It may seem like the person is in denial about their condition, however, they could be experiencing anosognosia (a lack of insight). Lack of insight means that a person with dementia is unable to recognize changes in their behaviour and personality. When a person can’t recognize the changes they are experiencing, they may miss out on important interventions in the early stages of the disease. They may refuse to accept help or access support, they may be delayed in starting medication, or they may continue to drive despite it not being safe for them to do so. This presentation will explore anosognosia and suggest helpful strategies to support the person experiencing it.
Understanding the 8 A's of Dementia
October 20, 2020. The 8 A’s of dementia describe the symptoms of dementia that will affect how a person living with dementia will think and act. In this session, we will explain the 8 A’s, known as anosognosia, amnesia, agnosia, aphasia, apraxia, apathy, altered perception, and attentional deficits in more simple terms and explore how they affect a person’s day to day behaviour.
Visual & Perceptual Changes in the Brain
June 13, 2023. This presentation is about understanding visual and perceptual changes that can happen when a person has dementia. As dementia continues to progress, sensory and perceptual abilities can be affected as well as peripheral vision, depth perception and colour perception. This presentation addresses how these changes impact the person living with dementia's ability to safely and effectively navigate their environment, and provide strategies to address and adapt to these visual and perceptual changes.
Walk for Alzheimer's Thank You 2020
May 31, 2020. Thank you to all of those that made this year's Virtual IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's a huge success!