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Age Group
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Target Population
  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    Qualitative study using semi-structure interviews to gain understanding of occupational transitions of caregivers during menopause to inform increased services to meet these needs.

    Eligibility Criteria

    -Identify as a female
    -Be a caregiver of a person or persons with a disability or chronic illness
    -Be at menopause (defined as 1-6 years post a final menstrual cycle)
    -Be willing to be audio recorded

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of DataDay, a digital self-management application, in improving the quality of life of patients and caregivers. In this respect, we aim to identify the benefits and challenges to the app’s usability and impact on health outcomes and quality of life for these individuals.

    The information gathered from this study concerning the impact on patient and caregiver quality of life, as well as the feasibility and usability of the app will inform future iterations of the app.

    Eligibility Criteria

    – Are 18 years of age

    – Are diagnosed with dementia (any type) or MCI (Patients can have moderate dementia insofar that they can understand and provide informed consent)

    – Have the capacity to consent independently

    – Are a caregiver: Must be caring for a person living with mild to moderate dementia or MCI

    Please note: Access to a smartphone or tablet is not a requirement for participation. Participants may use their own device if they wish or can be supplied a tablet for the duration of the study. Access to Wi-Fi is not required.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Clinical Trial

    What is this Study about?

    ‘Bootle Blast’ combines therapy and video games. It has been used with children and youth with musculoskeletal disabilities in clinics and homes. Preliminary research supports Bootle Blast’s ability to engage players and support physical outcomes. Informal testing suggests it may also appeal to older adults. This study will test Bootle Blast’s feasibility with people with dementia. Pairs of people with dementia and their caregivers (n=10) will play Bootle Blast at home for 2 weeks. Data will include video recordings, surveys, balance tests, safety and adherence tracking, and interviews. This study aims to inform a more accessible version of Bootle Blast.

    Eligibility Criteria

    People with Dementia
    • Live in Ontario, Canada (within a two-hour drive from Toronto, Ontario)
    • Speak and understand English
    • Agree to be video and audio recorded as part of the study
    • Be able to stand and walk, with or without an assistive device (e.g., a walker)
    • Have the capacity to provide independent, informed consent

    • Live in Ontario, Canada (within a two-hour drive from Toronto, Ontario)
    • Speak and understand English
    • Agree to be video and audio recorded as part of the study

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    In-Person and Online

    What is this Study about?

    We are looking to understand what social cognitive symptoms informal caregivers are seeing from their loved one in early dementia and how frequently they occur. Additionally, we want to understand the impact of these symptoms on caregivers' well-being.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you...
    1) Are 18 years or older
    2) Are an informal caregiver to someone diagnosed with any form of dementia

    3) Can speak English or French

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    Baycrest is launching the Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Aging, the world’s first research-driven community centre evaluating the effects on brain health of providing personalized dementia-risk reduction programming. As part of that study, participants will complete six surveys to help us determine their dementia risk across five lifestyle domains: physical activity, brain-healthy eating, cognitive engagement, social connections, and mental wellbeing. Although we are using validated scales for these domains, we would like to better understand how people typically perform. For example, norms do not exist for all of our participants’ age range, some of the norms are outdated, and most are not from Canadians. Moreover, participants will repeat these scales every six months, so we can tell them if they have made significant gains, but we don’t know how much of a change is needed to be a clear improvement, and not just “noise”.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you are:
    1. Female, age 80+
    2. Male, age 50-69, or 80+
    3. Resident of Canada
    4. No self-endorsed significant concerns about your memory, Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, vascular dementia, Huntington’s disease, any cancer treated with chemotherapy, brain tumour, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, or current depression

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    By understanding the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in dementia care within Ontario health teams, we aim to enhance the quality of life for individuals living with dementia in Ontario.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible to participate if you or your loved one is living with dementia and would like to share your experience so that we can act to improve the quality of care for individuals living with dementia in Ontario.

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    This study consists of a 45-60 minutes virtual interview to better understand the experiences of familial caregivers of persons with dementia.

    Eligibility Criteria

    - Are 18 years of age or older
    - Have been a part-time or full-time caregiver of a family member with dementia
    - Speaks English

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study

    What is this Study about?

    This study looks at how an at-home nature-based virtual reality (VR) program may help people living with Alzheimer’s disease manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), such as depression. Caregivers/study partners will have the option of taking part in the study and providing feedback regarding the VR intervention. This project will explore how VR can be used as a non-pharmacological approach to prolong aging in place for individuals with BPSD, as BPSD contributes to rates of institutionalization. This will take place completely remotely, in your own home.

    Eligibility Criteria

    AD-D Participant Inclusion Criteria: 

    1) Clinical diagnosis of mild to early-moderate stage AD (including mixed dementia with AD) using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. Criteria (29) 

    2) Age of 50 years or older 

    3) Medical stability to participate in the trial 

    4) Patient Health Questionnaire score 5-14 

    5) Investigator judgement on whether the participant is comfortable with technology 

    6) Access to WiFi and a smart device for connecting on WebEx and downloading the Fitbit and Muse applications 

    7) Have someone available to be present during all sessions

    Caregiver Inclusion Criteria: 

    1) 18 years of age or older 

    2) Available to be present for all sessions 

    3) Ability to provide consent 

    4) Access to a smart device 


    Caregiver Exclusion Criteria: 

    1) Under 18 years of age

    Recruitment End Date

  • Observational Study
    Online & In-Person

    What is this Study about?

    In collaboration with our South Asian community collaborators, our goal is to gain an in-depth understanding of new immigrant, multigenerational, South Asian family caregiving for a relative with dementia amidst COVID-19. The goal is to inform future family-centered, healthcare interventions aimed at supporting equity deserving families during times of crisis.

    To achieve our goal, we are starting to recruit family care partners living in a multigenerational home and caring for a relative with dementia from each of the four groups of South Asian families. We will be using a multiple case study to examine new immigrant, multigenerational caregiving for a relative with dementia from the perspective of four groups of South Asian families; 1) Pakistani, 2) Bangladeshi, 3) Indian, and 4) Sri Lankan. We will also be using secondary data sources, including genograms, ecoMaps, and key documents.

    We will be conducting interviews with a family care partners from each of the four groups. Following these interviews, we will hold four focus groups with a new purposeful sample of South Asian multigenerational care partners to understand if the findings from the interviews reflect their caregiving experiences thereby increasing the reliability of the study findings.

    Eligibility Criteria

    You are eligible if

    1. You are caring for a family member or relative with memory loss or dementia

    2. You are living in a multigenerational South Asian Family

    3. You Identify with any of these four South Asian Countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

    4. You live in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

    Recruitment End Date