Public awareness in Huron Perth
The Alzheimer Society Huron Perth provides many opportunities for the general public to learn more about dementia, the programs and services we offer and the research to find better treatments and a cure.

If you’re interested in learning more about programs and workshops near you, please contact our Public Education Coordinator in Huron 519-482-1482 | 1-800-561-5012 or Perth 519-271-1910 | 1-888-797-1882.
Booking a speaker
If you’re interested in bringing in a speaker to talk about dementia, caregiving, research or advocacy, the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth is a great resource.
Our staff is willing to help you get the message out about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.
For a list of topics, please visit our Education page.
For more information or to book a speaker, please contact one of our offices in Huron 519-482-1482 | 1-800-561-5012 or Perth 519-271-1910 | 1-888-797-1882.
School programs
Our School programs provide students with a basic knowledge of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. It also teaches students how to visit and communicate with a person who has the disease or a related dementia.
To book this program for your classroom or for more information on the program, please contact one of our offices in Huron 519-482-1482 | 1-800-561-5012 or Perth 519-271-1910 | 1-888-797-1882.