First Link® Learning Series
Our First Link® Learning Series offers our registered clients a comprehensive overview of dementia, coping strategies, resources and support systems. The 4 part series offers clients insights into managing well with dementia through all stages of the dementia journey.

For dates, locations and times for upcoming First Link Learning Series sessions, please email us or call Huron 519-482-1482 or Toll Free 1-800-561-5012, or Perth 519-271-1910 or Toll Free 1-888-797-1882 or talk to your Alzheimer Society Huron Perth Family Support Counsellor.
If you are interested in becoming a registered client of the Alzheimer Society Huron Perth, please contact us.
First Link® Learning Series Overview
The Alzheimer Society Huron Perth is pleased to offer the 4-part First Link® Learning Series. These courses offer a comprehensive overview of dementia, coping strategies, resources and support systems, spread over four progressive modules, each one building upon the other.
Throughout the series participants are offered the opportunity to share and connect with others embarking on the dementia journey.
Course 1: First Steps
This course is to help individuals newly diagnosed with a dementia, and their care partners, understand their diagnosis and the changes that they experience. Topics discussed include:
- What to expect: Understanding dementia and the disease process
- Adapting to brain changes
- Planning ahead: Safety and risk management
- Building a circle of support
Course 2: Care Essentials
This course will offer family members and friends of people living with mid-stage dementia, problem solving strategies, approaches for communication and avenues for support, all of which can strengthen their ability to provide care. Topics discussed include:
- What to expect
- Communicating effectively
- Responding to behaviour changes
- Supporting daily activities
Course 3: Options for Care
This course for family care partners assists the participants in evaluating their current caregiving needs and exploring other available care options, including in-home care, adult day programs and long-term care. Options for Care is divided into three sections.
- Help in the home: creating a plan for support. This is for care partners who are just beginning to support a person living with dementia, who have not yet accessed services or only accessed minimal services.
- Retirement Home and Long Term Care
- Considering residential options: This is for care partners who are starting to consider the move to a residential care setting that can provide more care than they can manage at home. It is meant to help make the right decision for the care partner and the person living with dementia.
- Long Term Care Transitions
- Moving to Long-Term Care: Before, During, and After. This is for care partners who want to know more about applying to Long Term Care and/or are planning to move to long-term care soon and want to discuss how to prepare the person living with dementia and themselves for this move.
Course 4: Care in the Later Stages
This three week course helps family care partners understand what to expect in the later stages of dementia.
Topics include:
- How to provide care and comfort to someone in the later stages of the disease.
- Exploring grief, loss, and quality of life.