Volunteer Companion Program
One-on-one visiting program for people living with dementia. Offers socialization and meaningful activity to the individual with dementia while giving the caregiver opportunity for respite.

What is the Volunteer Companion Program?
The Volunteer Companion Program (VCP) is a one-on-one visiting program for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Volunteer companions are matched with a person with the disease and visit once a week, during their preferred time, to provide socialization and meaningful activity to the individual. These visits give the caregiver opportunity for respite and assist them in keeping their loved ones at home longer.
There are benefits for individuals involved in all aspects of the program:
Benefits for the Caregiver
- Assists in keeping the family member at home longer,
- Provides a needed break from caregiving responsibilities,
- Provides peace of mind knowing their family member is being cared for, and enjoying themselves.
Benefits for the Person with Dementia
- Reduces isolation,
- Provides meaningful activity & social interaction,
- Assists in maintaining current skills,
- Fosters a sense of pride and respect in themselves and
- Provides a new friend to share interests, time & companionship.
Benefits for the Volunteer
- Provides a new friendship the improves the quality of life for the person with dementia,
- Develops a sense of achievement, a feeling of giving back, and belonging,
- Provides an opportunity for personal growth, skill development, social interaction & community relationships.
"I really enjoyed the bond I was able to make with my companion and his family. I felt they really valued my presence, and it was a very positive feeling knowing that my commitment could make such a big impact on my companion and his loved ones. I really just enjoyed the whole experience, providing respite care to me was something I looked forward to and it became part of my weekly routine." - Donovan, Volunteer Companion
Training & Responsibility
The Alzheimer Society of PEI will assist caregivers, clients, and volunteers throughout all aspects of the program.
We offer a free, comprehensive training program for the volunteers. This is designed to teach companions more about dementia, communication strategies, and visiting tips so they feel prepared for their role as a Volunteer Companion.
An initial meeting is set up by the VCP Coordinator and subsequent visits are recorded in a logbook form. Caregivers and volunteers are required to check-in with the VCP Coordinator monthly to ensure visits continue to be meaningful for everyone.
Activity Ideas
Remember - Volunteer Companions do what ordinary friends like to do!
- Reminisce
- Take part in a favourite hobby
- Play a game
- Listen to music
- Create a craft
- Go out for coffee
- Take a walk together
The Alzheimer Society of PEI has crafts, games, and other activities available for free to use during visits.
Volunteers do have the right to place limitations and parameters around activities such as driving and housework. Volunteers are not intended for personal care and are prohibited from administering medications.
"My weekly visits with "Jane" have allowed me to not only get to know her story but also the loving and supportive people in her social network. Our shared love for photo albums have allowed us to learn about each other's travels and hobbies throughout the years, and I always come away having learned a new cooking or gardening tip! Community engagement comes in many forms and it has been a joy getting to be a part of her life." - Emily, Volunteer Companion
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer companion, click here to apply.
If you would like to be visited by a volunteer, apply as a participant - click here.