Our history
Learn more about our history below.

The Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin was founded in 1983 by a group of dedicated caregivers concerned about their family members affected by Alzheimer's disease. Their primary goals were to provide education, raise awareness, and advocate for those living with Alzheimer's and their families. Additionally, they aimed to offer resources for care and promote the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Incorporated in June 1985 as a charitable non-profit voluntary health agency, the organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
Milestones in Our Journey:
- 1986: ⭐The Sudbury-Manitoulin District Health Council approved funding for direct services, leading to the development of a Caregiver Support Group with meetings at Laurentian Hospital. With funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, the Society opened its first Day Centre in April 1987 at St. Andrew’s Place.
- 1987: ⭐Supported by the Sudbury Rotary Club, a portable building was established on the grounds of Pioneer Manor. In August, the Adult Day Program and Society offices moved this new location.
- 1990: ⭐Expansion of the temporary building was made possible with support from the Ministry of Community and Social Services, service clubs, corporate, and private donors. The building's size was doubled, and an enclosed courtyard was added to enhance the Adult Day Program.
- 1998: ⭐A partnership was formed with various community stakeholders, including Pioneer Manor, the City of Greater Sudbury, Hôpitale Régionale de Sudbury Regional Hospital, and others, to develop a Seniors’ Campus on the grounds of Pioneer Manor. This initiative aimed to create a continuum of geriatric care services, including a Memory Assessment Network, Supportive Housing, Applied Research, Long Term Care beds, Short-stay Respite beds to, and an expanded the Alzheimer's Society Day Program.
- 1999: ⭐Additional operating funds were granted through the Alzheimer Strategy to expand the Adult Day Program.
- 2002: ⭐The Société Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin launched a capital campaign to raise $2.1 million for the renovation of a 10,500-square-foot area in Pioneer Manor, creating a new Office for the Alzheimer Society and Adult DAy Program, which is remain our current location.
- 2014: ⭐To better serve individuals on the dementia journey, the Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin merged with the Alzheimer Society North Bay & Districts to form the Société Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin North Bay & Districts.
Fundraising & Support:
Fundraising is essential to our operations, enabling us to provide quality programs and services. Our major fundraisers include "Anything for Alzheimer's," "Wine Women & Purses," and the "IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's."
We receive operating funding from grants provided by the North East Integrated Health Network. Generous donations from individuals, service groups, businesses, and corporations also play a crucial role in sustaining our services.
Community Engagement:
The Alzheimer Society Sudbury-Manitoulin North Bay & Districts remains active in the community by collaborating with local agencies and participating in various committees. This involvement ensures that we continue to support those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and their families effectively.
We are committed to our mission and will continue to strive for excellence in our services, advocacy, and support for the Alzheimer’s community.