Your donation today will help us provide services such as education, support, and recreation therapy to people in Algoma district affected by dementia. Your donation also helps us fund research into the causes and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Help us provide Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow...®
Donate online or by mail or fax.
Email us at or call 705-942-2195 or toll-free in Algoma district at 1-877-396-7888.
Donate online
Click here to make a donation online today!
Donate by telephone
Call 705-942-2195 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET Monday to Friday. Please have your credit card number ready. We accept VISA and MasterCard.
Donate by mail or fax
Please make cheques payable to Alzheimer Society of Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District and mail to:
Alzheimer Society of Sault Ste Marie and Algoma District
61 Great Northern Road
Sault Ste Marie Ontario
P6B 4Y8
To make donating more convenient for you, we have created a donation form which you can complete electronically, then print and fax or mail. All the information you need is on the form to make a one-time donation, in memoriam donation, in-honour donation, or monthly donation.
*Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.
We automatically issue official income tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more. If you would like a receipt for less than $20, please advise us. Please be sure to provide your full name, including middle initial(s), and your mailing address to receive a charitable tax receipt for your donation.
Questions or comments?
Email us at or call 705-942-2195 or toll-free in Algoma district at 1-877-396-7888.