Research in Nova Scotia
In Nova Scotia, we celebrate, support and promote local research through established partnerships, reviewing research opportunities and making recommendations for future research activities.

In Nova Scotia, we celebrate, support and promote local research.
Advancing local and national research is a priority for ASNS as we work to shape the future for people affected by dementia. This work is supported by our expert Research Advisory Committee.
The Society helps facilitate research as a proud supporter of the Maritime Brain Tissue Bank. Its purpose is to collect brain tissues and make them available for researchers in Canada and internationally, who are trying to better understand the causes of dementia. Understanding the causes may help us find more effective treatments for dementia in the future.
We also encourage the researchers of tomorrow. Our Student Research Awards are awarded annually by the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia to students (undergraduate, graduate, PhD/postdoctoral) in Nova Scotia who are pursuing research in Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Research provides us with Hope for Tomorrow. Learn about recently-awarded students here.
In addition to these commitments, we support research by advising on research projects and facilitating participant recruitment. Researchers looking to collaborate can learn more here and contact Research & Evaluation Lead, Marco Redden, at
To learn about studies recruiting in NS and across Canada, visit the Alzheimer Society Research Portal. You can also learn about the latest research developments and recruitment through our e-newsletter - sign up here!