Saying Goodbye to Hali Derby & the Alzheimer Duck Derby

Bethany Sampson is a Volunteer Coordinator at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia.


This August, we announced the end of the Duck Derby. After nine years, Hali Derby and the racer ducks have headed into retirement. Before he flew away, we got a chance to sit down with Hali and talk about what the Duck Derby meant to him.

Watch this video.

ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA: Tell us, Hali, how are you feeling about your upcoming retirement? 

HALI DERBY: I’m having mixed-emotions! It’s a bittersweet time in my life. I had a fantastic nine years as the face of the Alzheimer Duck Derby, and getting to watch the racer ducks swim across the Halifax Harbor was one of the highlights of my career. Together, we raised money for Nova Scotians living with dementia, and it has been such a meaningful time in my life. I’m sad to be moving on, but I trust that Nova Scotians will continue to support the Alzheimer Society even without the Duck Derby.

ASNS: What will you miss most about the Alzheimer Duck Derby? 

HALI: I’m going to miss the people! Seeing everyone come out to support such a great cause meant so much to me, and I know it meant so much to the Alzheimer Society staff, and all the families that have been, or will be, touched by Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. I’m also really going to miss seeing all the kids dressed up in their best duck costume, competing for the education scholarship. Though…I still think I’m the best dressed duck.

ASNS: Is there anything you’d like to say to supporters? 

HALI: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The Duck Derby was made possible thanks to the generosity of the following supporters: Steele Hyundai, Bank of Montreal, Grant Thornton, Clearwater, Stevens Group, West Jet, MicMac Mall, and the Waterfront Development Corporation. In addition, we couldn’t have done it without you—whether you bought one duck, three ducks, or simply came out to the Derby, thank you!

ASNS: What is your final message to fans of the Alzheimer Duck Derby?

HALI: All of the money raised from the Alzheimer Duck Derby supported Nova Scotian families living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and they still need your help! Please continue to support the Alzheimer Society by making a donation today. Visit us online at or call 1-800-611-6345 to pledge your support today!

Thanks for all you’ve done, Hali! And thank you, Nova Scotians, for supporting the Duck Derby for the last nine years.