A Message From Alzheimer Society of Ontario CEO, Cathy Barrick

Dear Alzheimer Society of Ontario community,
The financial costs of caregiving add up. And for those in the sandwich generation — caring for both children and aging parents — the challenges are even greater. The public healthcare system in Ontario does what it can to support people living with dementia and their families, but it often lacks the resources to cover every cost, leaving people to pay out of pocket for needs both at home and in long-term care facilities.
The Canada Caregiver Credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit available in the province that can help Ontario families offset some of these high costs. Have a look at our Tax Credit Guide to understand more about CCC eligibility requirements and next steps.
If you’re doing that difficult math of trying to find the financial resources to hire caregiving help versus leaving the workforce themselves to provide the care, this tax credit may be another option. One community member shared she struggled to find the resources to cover care for her husband, who was diagnosed with young-onset dementia. The family qualified for the maximum amount of care through the public system, but due to the progression of her husband’s condition coupled with how young he was, even this maximum amount just wasn’t enough. The CCC tax credit made up for that shortfall.
We need to take care of our caregivers. They’re at risk of high stress, burnout, health issues themselves, but without them, where would we be? The CCC is a small help, but any help counts when it comes to reducing pressure on the healthcare system. Explore whether it could be a good fit for your family, and help us spread the word that it’s out there.
Thanks for being here,

Cathy Barrick
Chief Thank You Officer (aka CEO)
Alzheimer Society of Ontario