First Link®
First Link® is a referral program designed to help newly diagnosed people with dementia and their families get the help they need as soon as possible.

First Link®
To get started with First Link®, click here.
About First Link®
First Link® removes barriers by connecting individuals living with dementia and their families to vital dementia education, resources, and support at the time of diagnosis or as early as possible after diagnosis. Connecting to the right supports early in the dementia journey can make a big difference in the quality of life for both the person diagnosed and the care partner.
With locations across Ontario, the Alzheimer Society and the First Link® program will help build the confidence of the individual diagnosed and their care partner for the journey ahead.
How First Link® Works
In order to participate in the First Link® program, a formal referral must be provided by a physician or other healthcare providers, diagnostic and treatment services, and community service providers.
Once a referral is made, the First Link Coordinator will contact the person with dementia and their family members, linking them to their local Alzheimer Society services and other programs within their community.
For healthcare providers
If you are a healthcare provider wishing to make a referral, please note that the process differs slightly in each province.
Find your provincial Society here and search for "First Link" to find information relative to their Society.
If you do not see a downloadable form, contact the Society directly for details.
More useful links and resources
- First Link® Final Evaluation Report. (2010) Carrie A. McAiney, Loretta M. Hillier, Paul Stolee
- The Alzheimer Society and beyond: a clinical review article in the Canadian Family Physician journal, December 2011 issue that discusses the benefits of referring people with dementia and caregivers to the Alzheimer Society.
- The role of First Link® in enhancing support for individuals with dementia and their caregivers. (2012) Carrie A McAiney, Loretta M Hillier, Paul Stolee, David Harvey, Joanne Michael.