Our goal is equitable care for all families affected by dementia
Black History Month: Addressing inequity in dementia care

February is Black History Month
Black communities face unique challenges navigating dementia care that other communities do not. Research shows dementia rates are higher in Black communities, yet systemic inequities in healthcare create barriers to timely diagnosis and culturally responsive care. These disparities often delay access to critical supports, placing a greater burden on families and care partners.
For Black History Month this February, we are raising awareness of these inequities and the work being done to address them.
Ngozi Iroanyah’s TEDx Talk - Watch Now
Our Director of Health Equity and Access, Ngozi Iroanyah, is committed to improving access to dementia care for underserved communities. In her recent TEDx Talk, Ngozi shares her family’s 17-year journey with dementia and offers insights into building a more equitable healthcare system.

New research on the impact of dementia on Black Canadians
Dr. Ingrid Waldron et al.’s report (2024), The Experiences of Black Canadians Living with Dementia and Their Care Partners, highlights how systemic inequities delay care and increase the burdens placed on families. This report also offers recommendations to improve culturally responsive care.
List of Resources
- Jamaican Canadian Association (https://jcaontario.org/) - Toronto
- Roots Community Service (https://rootscs.org/) - Peel
- Taibu Community Health Centre (https://www.taibuchc.ca/en/) - Toronto
- ANCHOR Canada (https://anchorcanada.com/) - York
- Black Health (https://bhsshubpeel.ca/) - Peel
- Women’s Health in Women’s Hands (https://www.whiwh.com/) - Toronto
- Black Ottawa Connect (https://www.blackottawaconnect.ca/) - Ottawa
- ACB Wellness Resource Centre (https://acbwellness.ca/) - Ottawa
- African-Canadian Cultural Association of Northern Ontario (https://accano.ca/) - Sault Ste. Marie
- Multicultural Association of Thunder Bay (https://www.thunderbay.org/) - Thunder Bay
- The Simcoe-Muskoka Black Community Development Council (https://familyconnexions.ca/our-external-committees/) - Simcoe/Muskoka
- The Dufferin County Canadian Black Association (http://dccblackassociation.com/) - Dufferin
- African-Canadian Organization of Windsor (http://www.windsor-communities.com/african- aboutus.php) -Windsor
- Black Council of Windsor-Essex (https://blackcouncilwindsoressex.ca/) -Windsor-essex
- Nigerians in Chatham Kent (https://www.chatham- kent.ca/livingck/communityconnections/culturalcommunities/Pages/CK-Nigerian-Community-.aspx) - Chatham/kent
- African Family Revival Organization (https://www.afrofamily.ca/) - Kitchener/Waterloo
- African Canadian Association of Waterloo Region and Area (https://africancanadianassociation.com/) - Kitchener/Waterloo
- Caribbean Canadian Association of Waterloo Region (https://www.ccawr.ca/) - Kitchener/Waterloo
- Rafiki (https://rafikihamilton.com/) - Hamilton
- The York Region Alliance of African Canadian Communities (https://yorkregionaacc.ca/) - York
- African Community in Timmins (info@acitimmins.org) - Timmins
- The Afro-Heritage Association of Sudbury (https://www.afro-heritage.org/) - Sudbury/North Bay
- Community Race Relations (https://racerelationspeterborough.org/) -Peterborough
- Kingston African Caribbean Collective (https://www.facebook.com/kacc1/) - Kingston
- African Caribbean & International Association of Eastern Ontario (phone number: +1 819- 329-3948) - Cornwall, Perth
- Durham Black Network (https://carionfenn.org/durham-black-network) - Durham
- Sarnia Lambton Caribbean/Afro Community Group (https://www.instagram.com/slcacg_/) - Sarnia
- Blacks For All Races (https://www.bfar.ca/) - Barrie