First Link® for Professionals

Presenting a diagnosis of dementia to a patient is never easy. They may be bewildered and distressed about the challenges ahead, and unsure about how to navigate the health system. A First Link® referral can help.

Making a First Link® Referral
If you are a health professional, please see Making a Referral Information Sheet and download the First Link® Referral Form.

Why use First Link®?

Families are often too overwhelmed to pick up the phone and ask for help. When they are referred to First Link®, we call them, connecting them to the information and resources they need to make informed choices.

First Link® gets them the help they need right away, averting possible crises and helping them face challenges as they come up. This translates into fewer emergency room visits and helps care partners keep family members with dementia at home as long as possible.

How Does First Link® work?

When your patient permits you to share their information with our First Link® staff and you have made a referral, we will contact them directly.

We will connect them with a network of education and support services specific to their situation. We become their link to community help from the time of their diagnosis through their illness.

Because First Link® focuses on service coordination, resources and planning, our clients become more confident and involved in their own care. This reduces the burden on family physicians, emergency services and long term care. Families are also better equipped to develop their own plans to tackle future legal, financial and health needs.

Benefits of a First Link® referral

Benefits of a First Link® referral