Leave a Gift in Your Will

Setting up a legacy gift allows you to make a lasting difference in the lives of those touched by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias while still supporting those you love.

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Your will can change a life. For more information on how to leave a gift in your will, contact Holli Bjerland at hbjerland@alzheimer.ab.ca or 1-866-950-5465.

What Can Your Will Do?

Gifts left in wills have helped fund ground-breaking research studies that have contributed to earlier diagnoses, better prevention strategies, and new treatments, as well as provided invaluable service to families navigating their dementia journey. Your gift can do the same.

Your gift helps build a brighter future for thousands of people affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia across Alberta and Northwest Territories. Thank you for providing help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Please note: Information on this page is not intended as specific financial planning or legal advice. You should always consult with a lawyer or financial planner when considering a gift in your will.

Getting Started

For many of us, it is important to know that we have made a difference in the world and that we are able to support our loved ones when we are gone. Your will is the key to doing both. By giving even a small portion of your estate to charity, you can make a significant impact on the causes you care about, and still take care and support those you love.

Including a legacy gift in your estate plan will help to ensure that those touched by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias continue to receive the latest care and support resources available for years to come.

Check out our will planning checklist.

More than 50% of Canadians do not have a will – are you one of them? Without a will, the Alberta and Northwest Territories governments will decide how your assets will be divided. You have no control over who will inherit your property.

When dementia and procrastination are paired up, they can wreak havoc. If mental capacity issues arise you will not be able to sign legal documents – meaning court proceedings may be necessary to access your finances or health records.

This process can be time-consuming, expensive, and stressful for you and the people you trust to take care of you. Getting your legal affairs in order as soon as you can is critical to protecting yourself and your loved ones.

We recommend that you work with a lawyer when preparing your will and consult with your accountant or financial planner when making your estate plans.


A bequest is a gift you make through your will, to support a cause that is important to you.

Just as you have supported the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories throughout your lifetime, you can include a provision for us in your will. Bequests have no immediate cost to you and can also serve to lower or even eliminate taxes owed on your final estate.

You can also choose how your gift will be used:

Unrestricted Gift

Your gift will be used to support areas of highest need, providing flexibility to respond to evolving demands and allowing funds to be used where they are most needed at the time.

Restricted Gift

Your gift will be directed to support specific projects or areas of your choosing, allowing you to focus your gift on the areas that matter to you most.

See sample will clauses.

Securities and Mutual Funds

You can make a healthy investment and reduce your taxes by donating stocks and securities to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories. The Federal Budget of May 2006 created a new incentive for gifting marketable securities to public charities by eliminating capital gains tax on these types of gifts.

How does a Gift of Publicly Traded Securities work?

When you sell an appreciated stock or mutual fund you are required to pay tax on 50% of the capital gain. However, if you donate the securities to charity, you pay no capital gains tax. This makes appreciated stock one of the most cost-effective ways to donate to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories.

Talk to your financial advisor to see if this option is right for you. When you are ready to move forward, download and complete our Gifts of Publicly Traded Securities Form

Life Insurance

A gift of life insurance, whether it is an existing policy or a new one, can turn your small monthly premiums into a significant donation. You can make a gift of insurance by simply naming the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories as your beneficiary. All you have to do is submit your proof of payment and the Alzheimer Society will issue a charitable receipt for your premiums each year.  Many people find gifts of life insurance an affordable way to support the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories that allows you to enjoy the tax benefits in your lifetime.

Registered Plans (RRSP & RRIF)

Designate all or some of your RRSP or RRIF funds to reduce taxes payable by your estate.

Many Canadians have savings in Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF), but these funds can create large tax liabilities for your estate.

Arranging for a donation of all or a percentage of your RRSP or RRIF to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories upon your death is an effective way to reduce taxes.

For more information about how to take full advantage of gifts of registered plans, contact your accountant or financial advisor.

Charitable Annuities 

Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) allow you to save tax, enjoy a guaranteed income for life, and make a gift to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories today.

Charitable gift annuities are structured in the same way as regular commercial annuities, but they offer distinct advantages due to a charity’s tax-free status. A portion of your donation will be used to purchase a commercial annuity from an insurance company that will pay the amount promised to you. While you receive guaranteed income for the rest of your life, the Society retains the balance of your gift to fund the highest priority needs.

Your will can change a life. For more information on how to leave a gift in your will, contact Holli Bjerland at hbjerland@alzheimer.ab.ca or 1-866-950-5465.