First Link®
First Link® is an early intervention program that connects people living with dementia and their care partners to the Alzheimer Society for services and support.

Get in touch with one of our Regional Offices to find out how First Link® can help you.
Where to find help after a dementia diagnosis
The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories offers First Link® to help you navigate this journey you are on. It is an early intervention program that connects people living with dementia to the Alzheimer Society for services and support. A referral from a physician of other health professional allows for proactive contact with individuals and families from the time of diagnosis throughout the progression of the disease.
“It’s one of the first things I recommend to both patients and caregivers. The First Link® program, and the Alzheimer Society, give my patients and their families support that goes beyond my office. And that’s important.”
Dr. Roland Ikuta – Geriatrician (retired)
- For Families
- For Health Professionals
- First Link Referral Form
- First Link Video
- First Link® Transforming the Dementia Experience in Alberta - Final Evaluation
- First Link© Dementia Early Intervention Project - Final Evaluation
- Expand and Enhance First Link (Rural Access) Project - Final Evaluation