Do you really need a Will?
If you have assets, it's important to consider leaving a will. Learn why.

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Benefits of a Will
Anyone who has assets needs to have a valid will in place. Here are a few reasons why:
Protection. A will protects those you care about, whether it's your family or a charity you support.
Plan ... for your living. Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives detail your personal wishes regarding your medical treatment and finances if you are unable to make decisions while incapacitated.
Common sense. You have worked hard. Why not make sure that the assets you worked so hard to accumulate go where you want them to go?
Minimize expense. To help you prepare a legally sound will, you need to work with a professional. A well-prepared will can save you money by reducing taxes and administration costs for your estate. Did you know that leaving a bequest to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories in your will could help you leave more to your beneficiaries and pay less tax?
Control. You can decide who will be the Executor/Trustee of your will, who will look after your minor children, and who will benefit from your lifetime of work.
Because you say so! If you die without a will, the Alberta and Northwest Territories governments will decide how your assets will be divided—not you. Want greater control of your assets? Make a will.
You have more to leave than you think. Personal items often have great value, whether sentimental or financial. Write these items into your will and make sure they go to the person who will appreciate them most.
Peace of mind. Did you know that a person must have mental capacity to sign legal documents or make medical decisions? Now is the time to get your affairs in order and ensure that your wishes can be fulfilled.
Life happens. You already have a will and other legal documents? If you’ve gotten divorced or remarried, if you’ve already given away an asset you were planning to donate, or if you no longer need guardians, you’ll need to make changes to your will.