Palliative Care: Enriching Lives Holistically

Alberta and Northwest Territories

Palliative care has evolved significantly over the years. Julie Desautels, the Palliative Care Learning Specialist at the Alzheimer Society, explains that palliative care encompasses a broader perspective, reaching beyond terminal illnesses to include those with chronic conditions like dementia.


Exploring Palliative Care in Dementia 

Welcome to the Cognitive Connections podcast, a platform by the Alzheimer's Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories that delves into the heart of dementia care. Today, we'll delve into the vital role of palliative care in enhancing the lives of individuals living with dementia and their care partners.

Palliative care, often associated with end-of-life care, has evolved significantly over the years. Julie Desautels, the Palliative Care Learning Specialist at the Alzheimer Society, explains that palliative care encompasses a broader perspective, reaching beyond terminal illnesses to include those with chronic conditions like dementia.

"Having a diagnosis of dementia is life-changing, but there's help. You're not alone," Julie reassures.

The Benefits of Early Palliative Care

One common misconception about palliative care is that it is only appropriate at the end stages of a disease. However, Julie clarifies that palliative care can be provided at any time of diagnosis for a serious illness. Palliative care “[offers] the person living with the disease an opportunity to focus on quality of life."

By integrating palliative care early on, individuals and their care partners have the opportunity to plan ahead, anticipate changes, and make the most of their time together. Palliative care professionals can provide guidance on symptom management, offer emotional support, and help individuals fulfill their personal goals and aspirations.

Accessing Palliative Care Support

The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories provides a range of resources to support individuals and care partners seeking palliative care. Through their FirstLink program, individuals can access guidance via healthcare referrals or self-referral through the society's website. The program offers valuable information, guidance, and a supportive network to navigate the dementia journey.

"Palliative care complements traditional medical approaches by aligning treatments with the individual's wishes and providing the best quality of life," Julie explains. Early integration of palliative care allows individuals and care partners to plan ahead, anticipate changes, and make the most of their time together. Palliative care professionals offer guidance on symptom management, emotional support, and help individuals achieve their personal goals.

We invite individuals and care partners to explore the challenges of dementia with the support of palliative care and the strength of human connection. Through these podcast episodes, a journey of understanding, empathy, and hope is embarked upon, aiming for a higher quality of life for all those affected by dementia.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Cognitive Connections Conversations on Dementia. Listen to the full episode wherever you get your podcasts and on YouTube. Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions as we continue to unravel the intricacies of dementia.