Dementia in the Chinese community

These videos provide valuable insights about dementia within the Chinese community. They include stories from people expecting a diagnosis of dementia, people living with mild cognitive impairment, care partners and health-care providers.

CCWG Group Photo

This video series is a resource for health-care providers, care partners, people living with dementia, and anyone interested in better understanding the unique experiences of the Chinese community with dementia. Developed in collaboration with health-care providers, people expecting a diagnosis of dementia, and care partners, the series highlights cultural nuances and shared experiences.  

Watch these videos to learn more about the impact of dementia on the Chinese community and how you can provide meaningful support.

Provide feedback! We value your thoughts on the Dementia in the Chinese Community video series. 

The Chinese Community Working Group: Dementia in the Chinese Community 

The National Dementia Guidelines Chinese Community Working Group shares their personal and professional experiences with dementia. Their key messages emphasize how best to support people living with dementia and care partners.   

Cynthia Wong’s story 

Cynthia, who lives with mild cognitive impairment and expects a diagnosis of dementia, shares her experience of how her challenges with her memory impact her daily life. She encourages others to seek a diagnosis, let go of feelings of shame and stigma, and be hopeful. 

Charmaine Ma’s story 

Dr. Charmaine Mah, a family physician, shares her experiences  supporting people living with dementia and their families. She highlights important considerations and relevant themes for health-care providers working with the Chinese community. 

Mona Mah and Gord Mah’s story 

Siblings Mona and Gord, share their story as care partners to their mother, who lived with dementia. They describe the changes their mother experienced and discuss common challenges and frustrations that many care partners experience. 

Wen Jean Ho’s story 

Wen Jean, a community worker dedicated to supporting the Chinese community, discusses her experiences in helping newcomers navigate the health-care system and adjust to life in Canada. In addition to her work, she also discusses her experience as a care partner to her mother who is living with dementia. 

Fan Song’s story 

Fan reflects on supporting his father’s increasing needs after he was  diagnosed with advanced vascular dementia, while also encouraging him to use traditional Chinese art forms as a form of therapy. He notes the changes he has seen in himself since having to adjust to and accommodate his father’s increasing needs. 

Hai Bao Sun’s story 

Hai Bao, a person living with amyloid plaques on the brain, highlights the need for individuals to stand up and advocate for themselves and their health. He also stresses the importance of remaining active in the community to help create social connections.  

Louisa Hung’s story 

Louisa, a care partner, discusses her family’s experience of caregiving for her mother with minimal government assistance.  

Provide feedback! We value your thoughts on the Dementia in the Chinese Community video series.