Alzheimer Society of Canada Community Guidelines

The netiquette below dictates the rules of good conduct for interactions among internet users and the Alzheimer Society of Canada on its social media pages.
Social media serves the purpose of raising awareness and keeping the public informed. It enables internet users to stay updated, ask questions, and gain a better understanding of advancements and diverse aspects within research and the dementia space.
Hence, it functions as a designated platform for the exchange and accessibility of information for both citizens and internet users.
Debate is welcome under our posts when conducted in a well-meaning, relevant and respectful manner towards others. We value the expression of diverse opinions, even when they vary. However, any violation of the established code of conduct will not be tolerated. Exchanges must be courteous and honest, adhering to the following rules of good conduct:
- Any posting of illegal, inappropriate, obscene, offensive, defamatory, threatening, unsightly, abusive, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, or sexist content, whether in the form of text, photo, or video, is strictly prohibited. Alzheimer Society of Canada reserves the right to remove content that does not comply with this policy, at its sole discretion and without prior notice.
- Divergent opinions are welcome under the posts. However, it is mandatory to express opinions in an honest and courteous manner. Personal attacks, the use of provocative language, or lack of courtesy towards other community members will not be tolerated.
- Aggressive written expression, such as the use of uppercase letters equivalent to shouting or conveyed through an emoji or a "meme" directed towards others or the web page itself will not be tolerated. Alzheimer Society of Canada reserves the right to delete comments that do not adhere to this guideline.
- Any shared information must be truthful. Inaccurate or misleading information will be corrected or deleted by page moderators.
- Social media is a public platform. Refrain from sharing personal information on such channels. Alzheimer Society of Canada reserves the right to delete any comment containing personal information, such as an address, a cellphone number, or other personal details.
- Alzheimer Society of Canada reserves the right to block a user if they are a repeat offender of posting illegal, offensive content, or not adhering to the above-mentioned rules of good conduct.