Interior Region

Get information about our resource centres in Kamloops, Kelowna and Penticton, plus the other communities we serve within the Interior Health region, including the East and West Kootenays.

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Call the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033 for further information and advice, available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Information and support is also available in Punjabi (1-833-674-5003) and in Cantonese or Mandarin (1-833-674-5007), available 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Central Interior

Serving: Kamloops, 100 Mile House, Adams Lake, Ashcroft, Barriere, Cache Creek, Celista, Chase, Clearwater, Lillooet, Lytton, Merritt, Scotch Creek, Williams Lake

Alzheimer resource centre - Central Interior
235 1st Avenue
Suite 405
Kamloops BC V2C 3J4

Phone number: 250-377-8200

For information about upcoming education workshops, locations for support groups and other support in this area, see the First Link Bulletin for the Central Interior. For locations of support groups, please contact the Resource Centre.

Family Caregiver Support Groups:

Found in: Ashcroft, Chase, Kamloops, Merritt, Williams Lake

Early Stage Support Groups:
Found in: Kamloops

Tele-support Group:
For those who are unable to attend a support group in person, the tele-support group offers the opportunity to meet with others by phone.


North and Central Okanagan

Serving: Kelowna, Armstrong, Coldstream, Enderby, Lake Country, Lumby, Oyama, Peachland, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Sicamous, Sorrento, Vernon, West Kelowna

Alzheimer resource centre - North & Central Okanagan
1664 Richter Street
Suite 307
Kelowna BC V1Y 8N3

Phone number: 250-860-0305

For a listing of upcoming education workshops, support groups and Minds in Motion locations in this area, see the First Link Bulletin for the North and Central Okanagan. For locations of support groups, please contact the Resource Centre.

Family Caregiver Support Groups:
Found in: Enderby, Kelowna, Salmon Arm, Vernon

Early Stage Support Groups:
Found in: Kelowna, Vernon

Please contact the Resource Centre for locations.

Tele-support Group:
For those who are unable to attend a support group in person, the tele-support group offers the opportunity to meet with others by phone.


South Okanagan and Similkameen

Serving: Penticton, Bridesville, Cawston, Greenwood, Keremeos, Oliver, Osoyoos, Princeton, Summerland

Alzheimer Resource Centre
104 - 35 Backstreet Boulevard
Penticton, B.C. V2A 1H7

Phone: 250-493-8182
Toll-free: 1-888-318-1122
Fax: 250-493-6833

For information about upcoming education workshops, locations for support groups and other support in this area, see the First Link Bulletin for the South Okanagan and Similkameen. For locations of support groups, please contact the Resource Centre.

Family Caregiver Support Groups:
Found in: Keremeos, Oliver, Osoyoos, Penticton, Princeton, Summerland

Tele-support Group:
For those who are unable to attend a support group in person, the tele-support group offers the opportunity to meet with others by phone.


West Kootenay

Serving: Nelson, Boswell, Castlegar, Grand Forks, Gray Creek, Midway, Nakusp, Riondel, Salmo, Slocan, Trail, Kaslo, New Denver

Phone: 1-778-774-2133
Toll-free: 1-855-301-6742
Fax: 1-778-774-2134

For information about upcoming education workshops, locations for support groups and other support in this area, see the First Link Bulletin for the West Kootenay. For locations of support groups, please contact the Resource Centre.

Family Caregiver Support Groups:
Found in: Grand Forks, Nelson, Trail

Tele-support Group:
For those who are unable to attend a support group in person, the tele-support group offers the opportunity to meet with others by phone.


East Kootenay

Serving: Cranbrook, Creston, Fernie, Golden, Kimberley, Invermere

For support in the East Kootenay region, please call the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033.

For information about upcoming education workshops, locations for support groups and other support in this area, see the First Link® bulletin for the East Kootenay. For locations of support groups, please contact the Resource Centre.

Tele-support Group:
For those who are unable to attend a support group in person, the tele-support group offers the opportunity to meet with others by phone.

Dementia education:
Learn from home — participate in the Alzheimer Society of B.C.’s free one-hour webinars.