Dementia Helpline

Our Dementia Helpline is here to answer your questions.
Call 1-877-949-4141, Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm CST.

When it comes to questions about dementia, call our Dementia Helpline at 1-877-949-4141 or, email us

Our Dementia Helpline is available Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. 

We can help

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan's programs and services help people with dementia, their care partners, families, and friends by providing information, support, education and referral to other community services. 

How we can help

We are here to provide information, support and education about dementia to help you live well with dementia. We provide support and services across Saskatchewan. Please reach out to us.

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Pictures of people with their communities of support

First Link®

First Link® connects people living with dementia and their families to information, support services and education as early as possible and throughout the progression of the disease.

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Smiling Alzheimer Society client

Support Groups

Our Support Groups for people with dementia and their caregivers provide a safe environment where you can learn, laugh and help each other through mutual understanding.

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Five people of mixed ethnicities posing and smiling together