Dementia care in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan needs a dementia strategy which addresses the key priorities of the people living with dementia and those affected by.

Dementia in Saskatchewan
Over the next 30 years, dementia is expected to cost Saskatchewan society over $35.9 billion dollars in health costs, unpaid caregiver opportunity costs and indirect costs associated with dementia and the provision of unpaid care.
Prevalence: number of cases in a given year
Today approximately 19,xxx people in Saskatchewan have dementia.
- By 2038, 28,000 Saskatchewan residents will be living with dementia, accounting for 2.3% of the population.
- 65% of people in Saskatchewan with dementia will be women.
Incidence: number of new cases per year
- In 2014, there were over 3,920 newly diagnosed cases of dementia in seniors aged 65 and older.
- By 2038, the number of newly diagnosed cases is expected to more than double, reaching over 8,140 new cases.
- Today in Saskatchewan, every 24 hours 10 people will develop Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
- By 2038, this number doubles to 20 people every 24 hours.
Economic Impact
- In 2008 the cost of dementia in Saskatchewan was over 572.1 million dollars (future values) per year, including direct health costs, unpaid caregiver opportunity costs and indirect costs. This number will reach $6.2 billion (future values) per year by 2038.
- The cumulative economic burden of dementia is expected to total more than $35.9 billion (2008 dollars) over the next 30 years.
Our Priorities
Saskatchewan Stakeholders Speak Out
Throughout 2015, the Alzheimer Society asked Saskatchewanians with dementia, their caregivers and professional service providers about dementia services in Saskatchewan. Here’s what they said:
- 93% believe that the range of care and support services in Saskatchewan needs to be improved.
- They rank early diagnosis as the greatest benefit to people with dementia and caregivers.
- 62% name direct payments and tax credits as the most effective way to ease the financial burden of caregiving.
- 75% rank access to specialists and collaboration between healthcare practitioners as having the greatest impact on people with dementia.