Dementia Friendly Community Presentation

Wed, Feb 26, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online: Register here

This presentation will help you understand what a dementia friendly community is and learn actions you can take in your community to make it more accessible and inclusive for people living with dementia and their care partners.

group art class


This presentation will discuss how communities can reduce stigma and increase support for people living with dementia and their care partners.

People living with dementia often report facing stigmatization and discrimination in their communities, which can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion.  

As individuals and organizations, there are simple yet significant steps you can take for your community to be more accessible, welcoming, and inclusive for people living with dementia and their care partners.

By raising awareness about all of the changes that dementia can cause, we can reduce stigma too often associated with dementia, promote understanding about what someone with dementia might experience, and empower individuals to access an early diagnosis.


For more information on Dementia Friendly Communities, please visit Community Changes Everything