IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's

The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s is one of our biggest annual fundraisers, taking place in more than 150 communities across the country. Join us in 2025 to send a message of hope to thousands living with dementia, their families and care partners.

Text that says, "Who are you walking for?" with a photo of a man wearing an IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's t-shirt, while giving thumbs up and walking on an outdoor path.

Why Participate 

When you walk, you're showing over 20,000 people in Saskatchewan who are living with dementia—and the families who stand beside them—that they are not alone.  

When you fundraise, you’re making sure help is there when those who need us most reach out. Every dollar raised stays in Saskatchewan, providing vital programs, support services, and education to improve the lives of those affected by dementia. 

Collecting donations offline? We encourage online fundraising whenever possible, but if you’re collecting cash or cheques, please bring a completed Pledge Form on the event day to keep things running smoothly. 

Together, we’re walking toward a future of support, understanding, and hope.

How to Participate

1. Join us at one of our in-person Walks on Saturday, May 24th

Registration - 12 pm. Walk begins at 1 pm. 

ReginaWascana Park, Queen Elizabeth II West Lawn, in front of Legislature

Regina Route Option One

Regina Route Option Two

Saskatoon – River Landing Park, Amphitheatre

Saskatoon Route Option One

Saskatoon Route Option Two

Swift Current – Swift Current Comprehensive High School, Outdoor Track   

Prince Albert – Kinsmen Park

All donations made to the Prince Albert IG Management Walk for Alzheimer's will be matched up to $25,000 by the Malcolm J. Jenkins Family Foundation in partnership with the Ripley Family of Melfort.

2. Walk Your Way

Participate in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s—your way, from anywhere in Saskatchewan!

Walk, run, swim, bike or choose any activity that’s meaningful to you, like a bake sale. Every step, stride, splash or even cupcake makes a difference. 

Register for Walk Your Way here

3. Walk in a Box

Can’t make it to an in-person event? Host your own Walk on your own timeframe with our Walk in a Box toolkit

Whether it’s with family, friends, coworkers, or your community, you can rally together to support those affected by dementias. 

Perfect for:

  • Care homes
  • Schools & community groups
  • Rural communities
  • Anyone who prefers a smaller, more personal experience

Register for Walk in a Box here

4. Become a Sponsor

Your business or organization can make a lasting impact by becoming a sponsor! With a variety of sponsorship opportunities, your business or organization can help provide vital support for people living with dementia and their families.

We have several sponsorship options available

Remember to register your corporate or business team and rally your workplace to get involved, fundraise and participate at the day-of event!

For more information about the Walk, please contact our provincial office at (306) 949-4141 or 1-800-263-337 (toll free SK only). 

Our National Title Sponsor

The IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's is Canada’s largest fundraiser for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, taking place in more than 150 communities across the country. In 2024, Canadians participating in the Walk raised an amazing $6.8 million.

Since 2015, the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s has raised over $50 million for people living with dementia and their care partners.


Donate online, by phone or through the mail by making a one-time donation or a donation in honour or memory of a loved one.

Learn more
A couple sitting at their laptop and smiling.

Fundraise and participate

Help the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan raise funds and support people with dementia, family members, caregivers and health-care professionals.

Learn more
Friends participating in the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer's together.

Imagine Canada

We are accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in non-profit accountability, transparency, and governance.

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